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The Border - 2015 rumslig filmisk installation - ett samarbete med koreografen Ingrid Olterman Antonie Grahamsdaughter.
Songlines for a New Atlas. Peptalk is all you need. Far from a deceitful world. Art in public space - Art Line. Curator, konstkonsult och projektledare. Songlines for a New Atlas. Peptalk is all you need. Far from a deceitful world. Art in public space - Art Line.
AV-arkki, the Distribution Centre for Finnish Media Art, has been a pioneering distributor since 1989. The activities of AV-arkki have contributed to the success that Finnish media art enjoys today. Read more about our services. And browse through our online distribution catalogue.
This is archive version of CYLAND web site. Find more information about our actual events and projects by link - cyland. Photo Reports from the Opening and Screening in St. CYLAND Artist Presents Installation at Supernova Festival. CYLAND Makes South American debut at SOFA.
Private Registration
Anna-Karin Larsson
2316 Delaware Ave Suite #266
Buffalo, NY, 14216-2687
Private Registration
Anna-Karin Larsson
2316 Delaware Ave Suite #266
Buffalo, NY, 14216-2687
Private Registration
Stiftelsen Filmform
2316 Delaware Ave Suite #266
Buffalo, NY, 14216-2687
Kevin und Chris sind erfolgreiche Parkour Traceure. Die beiden Freunde haben einen gemeinsamen Traum. Sie wollen ihre Leidenschaft zum Beruf machen. Mit Trainings für Jugendliche, Videodrehs und Showauftritten bestreiten sie ihren Lebensunterhalt. Doch Rückschläge auf dem Weg zum Parkour Profi werden auch zur Belastungsprobe für ihre Freundschaft. Im Auftrag von SRF 2016.
Hvis det er til en institution så husk endelig jeres EAN nr. Hvis jeg ikke svarer på min mobil, 2166 2278, så er det nok fordi jeg er hjemme hos mig selv, hvor der udkantsdanmarks mobildækning,så ring venligst på 5752 1505. På forhånd tak! Borup Sjælland, 50 km fra råddhusplasdsen.